Worship Service

Jan. 19, 2025 11:00 AM

Join us for Sunday worship!

Please note that we will continue to make the services accessible online, on Sundays we broadcast our worship service through Facebook Live.

Follow our Facebook page!

Check out our new YouTube channel! We hope to start posting videos here soon, and are considering livestreaming our worship here, too. For now, look out our “Playlist” to see interesting and entertaining clips. If we get 100 subscribers, we can give the channel our own name, so, please look at the site, and subscribe Here.

We are not able to collect an offering online, but we do appreciate and rely on your generosity. Our banking details are as follows.

(Please note our Hungarian name!)

Beneficiary: Budapesti Református Skót Misszió
Account Number: 11600006-00000000-27073779
Bank Name: Erste Bank Hungary ZRT.
Bank Address: 1138 Budapest, Népfürdő u. 24-26
IBAN: HU 87 1160 0006 0000 0000 2707 3779

If you are giving online and would like for your donation or part of your donation to go to something specific, please make a note clearly specifying which cause you would like to support. Online banking pages generally have a place to note the purpose of a transfer.

Question: “How can I give to specific project?”
Currently we have separate projects that you can specify when giving.
When you are giving online:

  • If you make a note for “Mediterranean Hope”, it goes to this project:
Mediterranean Hope is a non-profit refugee- and migrant-serving organization run by the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy; and “MH aims to support migrants with their right to migrate, applications for protection, self- determination, solidarity activities, reception, implementation of safe and legal pathways, advocacy, and awareness-raising on issues of social justice, rights and discrimination. MH operates in various border areas working with local communities, churches, civil society and institutions.”
  • If you make a note for “A-Z project”, it goes to this project:

The name for this project comes from the Hungarian words “alsónemű” and “zokni”. (translation: underwear and socks). The plan is to raise money for these much- needed items, buy them in bulk, and then give them to shelters in Budapest. To give to this note, “A-Z project” on your bank transfer or give in the basket on the communion table.


