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We are not able to collect an offering online, but we do appreciate and rely on your generosity. Our banking details are as follows.
(Please note our Hungarian name!)
Beneficiary: Budapesti Református Skót Misszió
Account Number: 11600006-00000000-27073779
Bank Name: Erste Bank Hungary ZRT.
Bank Address: 1138 Budapest, Népfürdő u. 24-26
IBAN: HU 87 1160 0006 0000 0000 2707 3779
If you are giving online and would like for your donation or part of your donation to go to something specific, please make a note clearly specifying which cause you would like to support. Online banking pages generally have a place to note the purpose of a transfer.
Question: “How can I give to specific project?”
Currently we have separate projects that you can specify when giving.
When you are giving online:
- If you make a note for “Mediterranean Hope”, it goes to this project:
- If you make a note for “A-Z project”, it goes to this project:
The name for this project comes from the Hungarian words “alsónemű” and “zokni”. (translation: underwear and socks). The plan is to raise money for these much- needed items, buy them in bulk, and then give them to shelters in Budapest. To give to this note, “A-Z project” on your bank transfer or give in the basket on the communion table.